Watch Past Republican Seniors Meetings Below
We begin our meetings with brief presentations from advocates for issues of interest to Republicans, candidates for local offices, or others. These are followed by our featured speaker who speaks for about half an hour with Q&A. We finish with announcements of events and other important matters. Watch on your computer or your Smart TV.
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March 11, 2025
Thanks to Democrats who have been largely running our state for decades, including top to bottom for at least the last four years, we now have an inhospitable business climate, punishing individual taxes, unacceptable results from our schools, and rampant crime—and this year, a $6 billion budget deficit and $600 million in fraud. Jim Schultz, president of the Minnesota Private Business Council, explained what we need to do to change the trajectory in these key components of our quality of life.
First, Congressional District 3 Chairman Randy Sutter will talk about how the layers of the MNGOP work with state, congressional and local senate and house districts, work together to identify and support candidates and promote the ideals of conservative Republican Minnesotans.
Click here to watch.
February 11, 2025
At his inauguration Donald Trump made three key points that will guide his foreign policy, said Tom Hanson, Diplomat in Residence at the Alworth Institute for International Affairs at the University of Minnesota – Duluth. Trump first declared that America will no longer be taken advantage of; second, that we will expand our territory; and third, that our success will be measured not only by the battles we win and by the wars we end but also by the wars we don’t begin.
First, new MNGOP chair Alex Plechash introduced himself and his vision for the Republican Party.
Click here to watch.
January 14, 2025
When Adam Verhoff was in his mid-twenties, he was interested in girls, popular music and sports but not in politics. And then he heard a major media outlet claim that trans women are the same as biological women. Because of his common sense and conservative impulses, he got involved in Turning Point USA, co-founded by Charlie Kirk. Adam is now the Minnesota representative of the organization, whose mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students all over the country to promote liberty, freedom, free markets and capitalism.
First, Bioma Freeman, Senior Fraud Investigator at the Minnesota Department of Commerce, gave examples of scams perpetuated by phone, text and email and how to recognize and avoid them. Then former Rep. Phil Krinkie described the problems at the Minnesota House and how to govern when they are evenly divided Republican and Democrat.
Click here to watch.
November 12, 2024
In November voters thoroughly rejected the current Democratic creed and embraced MAGA and a return to traditions of the Republican Party. The election of Donald J. Trump has signalled a change in the character of the Republican party, perhaps forever, said Edward Welsch, Executive Editor of the Charlemagne Institute's magazine Chronlcles of American Culture.
Click here to watch. Speaker begins at 12:40.
October 8, 2024
How do we fight back against a rogue county attorney? Brian Peters, Executive Director of the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers, told us how they defended and won unreasonable murder charges against Ryan Lonegran and other work they do, including advocating at the state and federal level on matters that affect the security and safety of its members.
Click here to watch.
September 10, 2024
Democrats said their 2023-2024 budget is "transformational." Mike Haveman, Executive Director of the Minnesota Center for Excellence, said spending billions of dollars of our money may be transformational but not in a good way.
First, three candidates for the Minnesota House of Representatives introduced themselves.
Click hereto watch.
Two links to more detailed information follow.
Tax Incidence Study:
State Role in Federal Spending:
August 13, 2024
Why is Donald Trump the best person to make America great again? Lonny Leitner, chief of staff of American Majority, described to us the essential qualities in Trump’s character that are necessary to restore our country to greatness.
First, three candidates for local office introduced themselves. Then staff from the Trump campaign's first of a dozen Minnesota field offices provided yard signs, literature and more.
Click here to watch.
July 9, 2024
Are younger generations being cheated by false promises of progressive policies? Bill Walsh, Director of Marketing and Communications at the Center of the American Experiment, explains how our young people are not hopeful about their futures.
First, three endosed Republican candidates for local offices speak.
Click here to watch.
June 11, 2024
Richard Aguilar, Chair of the Hispanic Republican Assembly of Minnesota, and Latino marketing specialist Rico Vallejos presented “Election 2024—The Latino Vote.” They explained why Latinos are a natural constituency for the Republican Party because their values are our values, and that we only have to reach out to them to make a difference in elections.
First, a candidate for the Fourth Congressional District, mostly St. Paul, introduced herself, along with Minnesota House candidates John Nagel from Hopkins and Teresa Whitson from Woodbury.
Click here to watch.
May 14, 2024
We know a lot about a few of the 56 men--such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson--who signed the Declaration of Independence. But what about all those other little-known men who also dared to sign and accept the consequences?
Our featured speaker at our Tuesday, May 14 meeting, Rev. Dr. Kenneth Beale from the Fort Snelling Chapel, told us about those men who came from all 13 colonies and from all walks of life. These were the brave men who pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to declare their right to be free and independent states.
Click here to watch.
April 9, 2024
Just who is committing crime? Our featured speaker at our April 9 meeting, David Zimmer, former Hennepin County assistant sheriff under Sheriff Rich Stanek and now a fellow at the Center of American Experiment, presented "Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System.” Using recent data regarding the race of offenders, David tells a new story.
The meeting began with our annual meeting. We passed some amendments to our constition and elected delegates and alternates to various conventions.
Click here to watch. Or click here to watch the featured speaker's report only.
March 12, 2024
Our featured speaker on Tuesday, March 12, was Kendall Qualls, who with his wife, Sheila, founded TakeChargeMN to promote the idea that the promise of America works for everyone, regardless of race or station in life.
Kendall gave us lessons on the history of the migration of Americans, white and black, from the Democratic South to the Republican North and why; how hardworking middle class black Americans were disincentivized from building intact families and became part of a government-dependent culture; how our schools are teaching our children the sins of our history but not our virtues; and the importance of a unified message and moral leadership.
Click here to watch.
February 13, 2024
The failures in public education and who is trying to do something about it was the theme of our February 13 meeting.
First, Kim Wilson from the United Parenting Coalition told us what led to the formation of her organization and the development of values-aligned resources.
Then, Republican Seniors member Michael Barg told us how he and other Bloomington parents are calling attention to books provided to their schools from the Bloomington Human Rights Department. Critical Race Theory, LGBTQ+ and other progressive subjects such as gender identity are included and tailored for all grade levels.
Our featured speaker Executive Director of Minnesota Parents Alliance Cristine Trooien described the work they do with parents who are concerned about the education our children are getting and how to become active participants in their school community.
Last, you may want to watch this video to the very end to hear real kids in modern times saying what they think about love and Valentine’s Day.
Click here to watch.
January 9, 2024
Minnesota native four-star General Joe Votel was the featured speaker at our January meeting. Gen. Votel has a heroic career in the U.S. Army, including leading two major worldwide commands and, notably, the rescue raid to liberate Jessica Lynch who was being held prisoner by Islamic forces. Now retired, he writes on foreign affairs at He talked about current events in the Middle East and Ukraine and also the state of American defense.
First, former Sen. Michelle Benson from the Minnesota Alliance for Ethical Healthcare explained how we can get involved in the effort to oppose Physician Assisted Suicide.
November 14, 2023
The November Republican Seniors MN (RSM) keynote speaker was Bonnie Gasper, Vice Chair and Communications Director of the Child Protection League, who described “The Cultural Marxist Revolution of America." Also RSM board member, John Butz, talked about what membership means and what it costs. Plus, we saw a video montage of the RSM Spotlight on Members profile videos. The meeting concluded with special recognition of board and volunteer members.
October 10, 2023
Our featured speaker was former Rep. Steve Sviggum, who served 25 years in the MInnesota House, usually as Speaker or Minority Leader. His theme was based on the book "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten," such as play fair, share, clean up your own mess; and how the world would be a better place if we abided by those lessons.
We first heard from several candidates for local city councils and school boards and finished with announcements of interest to Republicans.
September 12, 2023
The Republican Seniors of Minnesota September 2023 meeting began with appearances by two candidates running for local offices: Ric Oliva, candidate for Bloomington ISD #271 School Board, and Bruce Colton, candidate for Bloomington City Council Member at Large.
Guest speaker, Jennifer DeJournett, Executive Director - American Majority Minnesota, presented American Majority's absentee ballot initiative, "Ballot Out/Ballot In."
Featured speaker, Free Market Warrior Loren Spivack, told us, "Why We Fight: Understanding the Modern Left." He describes the phenomenon of the political left in the western world – its principles and the psychology of its proponents.
August 8, 2023
Stephen B. Young, Global Executive Director of the Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism, explained how the world order that America and its allies created after WWII--establishing democracy, capitalism and free markets, law and order, worldwide wealth, human rights and more--is now collapsing.
July 11, 2023
Professor Emeritus of Engineering and Manufacturing from St. Thomas University, Dr. Fred Zimmerman, explained what the U.S. needs to be competitive in the world in the development of emerging technologies, from skilled workers to rare earth minerals.
June 13, 2023
Freshman Republican member of the Minnesota House Walter Hudson gave us an inside look at how the DFL accomplished its radical agenda and what consequences we can expect. Rep. Hudson is a welcome conservative voice at the legislature.
May 9, 2023
At our May 9 meeting, champion of our values John Helmberger, from the Minnesota Family Council, told us how his organization fought to make conservative voices of reason and traditional values heard in the legislature and to fend off laws that are most repugnant to those values.
April 11, 2023
Our featured speaker at our April 11 meeting, was Katherine Kersten from the Center of the American Experiment. Video intermittent sound issues with one microphone got resolved for our May meeting, and Katherine’s microphone worked well so we’re confident you’ll be able to appreciate her message. Katherine told us how critical race theory (CRT) and “race essentialist” ideology are part of Democrats' effort to embed ethnic studies in school curricula, and how it is divisive rather than inclusive and harmful to students of all colors.